Place your turtle on the starting point and program using loops (similar code merged together and repeated) to reach the end of the path, while building a small bridge
Simplified lines of code that completes a much greater task
eg: for a = 1 , 4 do (new line) turtle.placeDown() (new line) end
*note* “for a = 1 , 4 do” means the code that follows will be repeated 4 times and must follow with an end. So if you were to use turtle.foward() instead the turtle would move forward 4 times instead of rewriting turtle.forward() 4 times on its own.
If the turtle had to move forward 100 spaces, instead of writing 100 lines of turtle.forward() code you only need 3 lines of code. This makes coding quicker, more efficient & less opportunity for mistakes. Try it for yourself!